Sound of Color

Sound of Color
Inspired by chromesthesia, this conceptual video installation creates a multi-sensory experience bridging the worlds of color and sound. As many voices combine, the emergent sound pieces create a new audiovisual atmosphere.
  • 6 Color Rainbow 00:00

Chromesthesia, a subtype of synesthesia, is a condition in which an individual involuntarily processes audio senses into colors. This condition stresses the individual experience above all else, as no two people translate a stimulus the same way. The associations the brain unconsciously makes are influenced by a multitude of factors leading to an infinite possibility of outcomes. As an artist, my creative process strives to connect and translate my individual experiences visually reflecting the nature of chromesthesia, as it too translates the experience of sound into colors.

A conceptual installation is created through this video emphasizing the individual translation of color into sounds. I asked individuals to create and record a sound that they would consider reflects a certain color. There are a total of six colors, red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple. As the audio associations accumulate, it begins to build the audiovisual experience of each individual in a tangible way. Through this process, colors are translated into audible experiences, redefining the way we experience visual imagery.

  • Red 00:00
  • Orange 00:00
  • Yellow 00:00
  • Green 00:00
  • Blue 00:00
  • Purple 00:00
This process of composing audio sounds based on other individual’s contributions created a lack of control over the end result. This made it difficult to predict the end products, creating a collaborative and emergent sound-piece which was very rewarding.
