Water Source Orchestra

Water Source Orchestra
I created a video of different water sources in my home and in my backyard. I combined the water sources one by one as a way of building up an orchestra and seeing how this combination creates a unique collaboration of sounds.

I find water really interesting because of its liquid state and how it is essential in our life and especially during this pandemic. My approach was to originally use different water sources and use them as different instruments but I later realized how slowly building up and mashing together the water sounds was a lot more interesting and surprising. I noticed how when I close my eyes and listen to it several times, I always hear new sounds as they combine. At first, I believed that water coming out of similar sources would sound relatively the same, but how slow/fast I turn it on, and the amount of pressure when I turn it on all affect the sound, and this was something interesting experimenting with. I used ready-made materials such as the kitchen faucet, shower head, a hose opening, the bathtub, the sink faucet, and the toilet to create a sound artifact since it was impossible to create an installation.

The end product of my video was almost what I had imagined in mind but it was a little different because I wished for the video to be a “still”, but it was hard controlling the shakiness of the video. But other than that, it was fun layering at home read-made objects and creating an orchestra.
