Memorial Day Cube

Memorial Day Cube
My Final Project, titled "Memorial Day Cube," is an interactive sound installation. The viewer enters a 'white cube' made from white bed sheets suspended in my room. Inside, the viewer hears two sounds coming from two opposing speakers. The speakers are hidden on either side of the installation. The first speaker broadcasts the sound of the Memorial Day siren in Israel, while the second broadcasts a recording of a busy street. The street recording is altered in a way that the sounds disappear every couple of seconds- which allow the 'siren' sound to be more prominent.
  • Siren 00:00

This installation explores the fusing of busy car sounds with the Memorial Day siren in Tel-Aviv, Israel in a sterile, white environment. On the one hand, I attempted to mimic a 'white cube' but instead of creating a cold, distant atmosphere, the white sheets provoked a comforting, cozy, and intimate feeling. However, this ambience completely juxtaposes the alarming and unpleasant sounds blasted from two hidden speakers hidden to the right and to the left of my makeshift 'white cube'. White is also a very symbolic color in Judaism- bodies are wrapped in white cloth in preparation for burial.

In my opinion, the siren- which is meant to evoke a moment of silence, respect, admiration, and mourning for our fallen soldiers, paired with ordinary yet unpleasant car sounds (which one always hears directly before and after the state-wide siren) with the bed-sheets create an almost surrealistic experience. The terrible sounds that the 'viewer’ experiences in this confined space can be described as agonizing and distressful, reminiscent of torture methods utilized by the CIA where music is blasted on full volume in the cells of inmates.

My approach was experimental, to say the least. I had to be resourceful with my materials and with my surroundings. I didn’t have a clear ‘product’ in mind when I set out to create this sound installation. However, I am more than pleased with the result, especially considering this is my first sound-related piece.

  • Street Sounds 00:00

In conclusion, I learned a lot from this experience. As an artist, I am used to creating lighthearted, charming, and ‘pretty’ works. This whas my first time not only experimenting with a new medium but also with more serious subject matter. I was able to overcome various challenges imposed on me by the sudden regulations following the outbreak of Covid-19, and in the future I am looking forward to further developing my work in sound.
