Monster in the House

Monster in the House
There’s something in the house...something monstrous. It stays inside avoiding the peace that thrives outside. All that fear it should try to remain out of its grasp. Beware! There’s a monster in the house.
  • Details of a Beast 00:00

The monster in the house is a human. As of now every house is filled with at least one now. As a result of the pandemic outbreak, most people must mostly remain confined to inside their homes. Because of the sudden period of human inactivity outside, the environment now enjoys drastic improvements such as better air quality. One could say that now that the monsters that ran rampant have now been restrained. However, when stuck in the confines of our houses, our new indoor environment reflects our lifestyles that greatly contrasts with nature: dependence on technology and wasteful consumption. Relative to the point of view of nature, we are very different and horrifying creatures. In order to actualize this concept, I created something of a performance. I contrast the solemn tranquility of the outside with the ominous loudness inside the house (through the audio that I developed through Reaper). The audio is a culmination of sounds from various man-made objects which was modified through reapers in order to create the sound effects and ominous background noise to identify the monster by. It is the sound that creates the “magic” that allows the viewers to believe that they are in the den of a beast (despite the house itself being very much ordinary. Inside the house windows and mirrors are covered in torn tracing paper to further emphasize the idea of monsters being trapped inside the house. The shot of the junk food and trash on the dinner table demonstrates the idea of wasteful consumption. The silhouette of the monster is hidden behind a veil (an actual person hiding behind it). Finally a filter on Premiere pro is used to create a more sinister tone in the video.

  • 00:00
Initially when I started this project, I intended on creating a monster based on cultural fear of Covid-19. However, as there are already plenty of horror films/media that delve into similar cultural fears (such as zombies) I decided to focus more on the self-reflective aspect of the situation. On how we would be the “cultural fear” for the environment. Exploring this concept has revealed to me that cynicism towards human activity is quite justified in many ways. However, I also believe that this period of forced self-reflection, while very trying of patience, is a great opportunity to plan how we can better the world rather than go back to how things were exactly once the pandemic flies over. To see if we can leave the house as something other than a monster.
